TRON Protocol Integration
TRON Wallet Integration
BTFS allows users to import their BTT wallet private key or a 12-word seed phrase to initialize their daemon. In some cases, developers may wish to authenticate their file transfers for the receiving party. They can do so if they sign a file transfer.
BTFS ID Change
Please note that as a storage host, your hosting reputation score is tied to your BTFS ID. Should you change your BTFS ID, your hosting reputation score will reset.
Import TRON Private Key
To initialize the BTFS node with your TRON private key, run btfs init -i <private key>
where your private key must be in Hexstring format.
// Initialize the daemon with the TRON private key
User-MacBook-Pro: user$ btfs init -i 1234567899C7408F5A155460123G567J90EFCA13302A3TY7565D320123456789
initializing BTFS node at /Users/user/.btfs
generating btfs node keypair with TRON key...done
peer identity: 16Uiu2HAkwuGv4qz7DHtgg88GmzVzFZrRiENK5uRTDePeAvYWUxFe
to get started, enter:
btfs cat /btfs/QmPbWqakofrBdDSm4mLUS5RE5QiPQi8JbnK73LgWwQNdbi/readme
// Start the BTFS daemon
User-MacBook-Pro: user$ btfs daemon
Initializing daemon...
go-btfs version: 0.1.0-8cca37331
Repo version: 7
System version: amd64/darwin
Golang version: go1.12.5
Swarm listening on /ip4/
Swarm listening on /ip4/
Swarm listening on /ip6/::1/tcp/4001
Swarm listening on /p2p-circuit
Swarm announcing /ip4/
API server listening on /ip4/
Gateway (readonly) server listening on /ip4/
Daemon is ready
Import BIP39 Seed Phrase
To initialize the BTFS node by importing a BIP39 Seed Phrase, run btfs init -s <Seed Phrase>
, where Seed Phrase must be a 12-word mnemonic, separated by commas between each word, but no space:
// Initialize the daemon with the 12 word mnemonic
User-MacBook-Pro: user$ btfs init -s time,cave,friend,will,tron,bitcoin,car,bread,cubicle,race,swim,orange
Generating TRON key with BIP39 seed phrase...
Mnemonic: time cave friend will tron bitcoin car bread cubicle race swim orange
Tron private key: 3bb147ac60b2cd5420c25995762de627dd8efa5c0c9aba3e1b161876908f8b0e
Master public key: xpub661MyMwAqRbcEifyGEzokifA4GioKbV2d7q837G5ZWohxS9ZD6gmhDiy1B9G7SkoJohjrx8fVVegrCjx1oypCxxSe6Uj5u4gciB72mQPokY
initializing BTFS node at /Users/user/.btfs
generating btfs node keypair with TRON key...done
peer identity: 16Uiu2HAmFVjo9PcaHg9KmshqsTEPKHoHWKJ6Fxk4Hg2McQtEob3H
to get started, enter:
btfs cat /btfs/QmPbWqakofrBdDSm4mLUS5RE5QiPQi8JbnK73LgWwQNdbi/readme
// Start the BTFS daemon
User-MacBook-Pro: user$ btfs daemon
Initializing daemon...
go-btfs version: 0.1.0-8cca37331
Repo version: 7
System version: amd64/darwin
Golang version: go1.12.5
Swarm listening on /ip4/
Swarm listening on /ip4/
Swarm listening on /ip6/::1/tcp/4001
Swarm listening on /p2p-circuit
Swarm announcing /ip4/
API server listening on /ip4/
Gateway (readonly) server listening on /ip4/
Daemon is ready
Generate Seed Phrase
To initialize the BTFS node by generating a BIP39 Seed Phrase, run btfs init -k BIP39
User-MacBook-Pro: user$ btfs init -k BIP39
Generating TRON key with BIP39 seed phrase...
Mnemonic: truly muffin water month clean machine venue punch bright room novel notice
Tron private key: 759786c8de647d9259ab88d2eb8c29bb61b6bc21a265c5865f3395c57aec9c8e
Master public key: xpub661MyMwAqRbcFoqsJDKJMuzSnpGRLXeF4N3af6TQBo5jbtmQrsquDE7gvEDTZuqHksroBoUQZKLvR3HQy24q8f5DcVPWuM8fGt79kGrfbay
initializing BTFS node at /Users/user/.btfs
generating btfs node keypair with TRON key...done
peer identity: 16Uiu2HAkwAdQWUKWNEY9fFCZ2Jsy73iewJrmCeuWfBeY8ChiXdGb
to get started, enter:
btfs cat /btfs/QmPbWqakofrBdDSm4mLUS5RE5QiPQi8JbnK73LgWwQNdbi/readme
Updated about 5 years ago