Mainnet RPC Configure
There are three RPC addresses of the main network, its chainid all is 199. You can modify the RPC configuration and modify the RPC address in the Config file. your go-btfs
version should be greater than or equal to v2.1.1
Three RPC addresses: (*Recommend)
1.Enter into the BTFS_PATH directory, cat config file.
$ cd ~/.btfs
$ cat config
"ChainInfo": {
"ChainId": 199,
"CurrentFactory": "0x9AF4bEc1A30BeC47756Ecef4cf43B91592121bC9",
"PriceOracleAddress": "0x0064d80C42b6E2cE3aC92eaD445B3D83C510c7AA",
"Endpoint": ""
2.Modify Endpoint to a new one.
"ChainInfo": {
"Endpoint": ""
3.Restart go-btfs
$ ./btfs daemon
Updated over 1 year ago